Christophe Bertrand: Vertigo
Numerous participants to the »Vertigo« edition and the parents of composer receive an Annual Award 2021.
Music carries imagination
Ute Kleeberg accepts her 2021 Honorary Award with emotion in Reutlingen.
Max Emanuel Cenčić
is enjoying his Honorary Award 2021 in the Margravial Opera House in Bayreuth.
Olivia Vermeulen and Jan Philip Schulze
proudly receive their 2020 Annual Award at the Hugo-Wolf-Akademie of Ludwigsburg
Vivaldi Symposium with award ceremony
An exquisite little Vivaldi Symposium will take place in the afternoon of December 10th in Turin – in honor of Alberto Basso, who will receive the German Record Critics’ Award’s Honorary Award 2020 in this fitting setting.
Alexander Melnikov, Isabelle Faust, Jean-Guihen Queyras, Pablo Heras-Casado and the Freiburg Barockorchester
proudly present their 2016 Annual Award in the Teldex Studios Berlin
Moses Pelham
happily receives his 2020 Honorary Award at the SoHo House Berlin during a press screening of his new album »Emuna«.
Reinbert de Leeuw
was glad to receive his 2019 Annual Award at one of his last appearances in Waterloo (Belgium).
Martin Elste and Carsten Schmidt
receive an 2019 Annual Award in the Sächsischen Landesbibliothek Dresden.